If you are feeling the pressure of credit card debt, this session on how to get creditors to settle credit card debt is for you. Let's face it; your Debt Problem is not going to simply go away. As it stands, you are probably being bombarded or harassed by one or more debt collection companies. Learn How To Settle Credit Card Debt With the new Predictive Dialer phone systems, debt collectors can program their computers to dial your number(s) a dozen times a day or more and walk away. That automated dialer will keep calling you, until you either answer and follow the instructions or change your number. Let's examine how to stop the aggravating debt collection calls and put a stop to the dunning debt collection letters by using the increasingly popular, "Settle Credit Card Debt" option. What Does It Mean To Settle Credit Card Debt? In case you don't know, (some people are not familiar with the term) I need to define what it means to settle credit card debt. ...